Zong WhatsApp Packages

Zong WhatsApp Packages 2024

As we know Zong is one of the best Telecom providers in Pakistan. Zong provides amazing offers and subscriptions for its customers which are efficient and fairly priced! Whatsapp is one of the best and most used applications in the world and almost every person in the world uses this application, And you also use it. So that’s why Zong came up with the Zong WhatsApp Packages so it could facilitate its customers.

Zong WhatsApp Packages 2024

Zong Daily WhatsApp Packages

Packages Name





Zong Daily SMS & WhatsApp Bundle

RS 7

30 MBs Internet with 500 SMS 

One Day

Code *700#

Zong Social WhatsApp Daily Package

RS 10 including tax

100 MBs of Data for Twitter, WhatsApp, or Facebook

One Day

Code *6464#

Zong Full WhatsApp Daily bundle

RS 5 tax not included

20 MBs of Data for WhatsApp, 75 zong to zong calling minutes, and 20 SMS  

One Day

Code 118*1#

Other Zong Daily WhatsApp bundle

RS 15 including tax

150 MBs for WhatsApp

One Day

Code *4#

Zong WhatsApp Packages Best in Daily

Then in the category of daily packages, we have a lot of them but my personal favorite is the last one and it is because for some reason those are For more packages Click here Zong SMS Packages, and for more info check Zong

First of all, it provides 150 mbs for WhatsApp which is more than enough for most people who are not heavy users on WhatsApp like myself. The price of this package is also very fair and it’s at 15 PKR plus additional taxes which depend on when you are getting this package.

If you want to subscribe to this package then the subscription code for this package  is *4# 


Zong Weekly WhatsApp Packages

Packages Name





Zong Weekly WhatsApp Bundle

RS 32 

200 Mbs interbet &1300 SMS 

One Week

Code *702#

Zong Apna Shehr Offer

RS 240 including tax

6 GB Data for all internet usage and 1 GB Data separate for WhatsApp including 150 all network calling minutes

One Week

Code *2222#

Zong new sim WhatsApp offer

RS 0 including tax

2 GB Data. You can use 1 GB of Data for Facebook and 1 GB for WhatsApp

One Week

Code *10#

Which Are The Valuable Zong Weekly WhatsApp Packages Among Them

Then moving on we have the weekly section which I love I have 2 favorites here which are the Zong apna Shehr offer and that is because this package contains 6 GB of data for all internet uses and 1 GB of separate data for WhatsApp only which is amazing at this price.

The price of this package is 240 PKR plus additional taxes. If you want to subscribe to this package then the subscription code is *2222#

My second favorite is the Zong new sim offer because it’s completely free and works for the new Zong users only. You get 2 GB but they are divided,1 for Facebook and one for WhatsApp which I think is pretty well done as these 2 are the 2 most popular apps.

Zong Monthly WhatsApp Packages

Packages Name





Monthly Zong WhatsApp Package

PKR 100

5 GB Data for WhatsApp

One Month

Code *247#

Zong Monthly WhatsApp Plus

RS 220 

5 GB Data for WhatsApp and IMO, 200 Zong to Zong calling minutes, and 30 off-net calling minutes including 200 SMS

One Month

Code *4000#

Zong Monthly WhatsApp & SMS Bundle

RS 75

30 MB, 500 SMS per day for a month

One Month

Code *705#

Zong Monthly WhatsApp Packages Which Are Best For You Among Them

Next in the line of monthly, we have 3 packages which are all good and I like all of them. The first one offers 5 GB of data for WhatsApp only and no other application. The price of this package is also very fair and if you want to get this package then you need to dial the code *9247#

Second of all, we have the Zong Monthly Whatsapp Plus offer, In this package, we have a handout of 5 GB of total data for WhatsApp and IMO which is an important app. We also have 200 zong-to-zong calling minutes and 300 off-net calling minutes. Also, we have 200 SMS. if you want to subscribe then the code of this package is *4000#

The last and final package is also ok, As it offers 30 MB for WhatsApp which is not that much as it can be used in about 30 minutes, This package also contains 500 sms per month the price of this package is 75 PKR and the additional taxes also depending on what time and date you get this package.

I recommend you get this package and the subscription code for this package is *705#


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