Recent Updates For Benazir Kafaalat Registration Completers

Recent Updates For Benazir Kafaalat Registration Completers

Benazir Kafaalat New Registration and Completers

Currently, the registration process for the Benazir Kafaalat program is going on at more than 600 registration centers designated by the Benazir Income Support Program. This is the best opportunity to complete the registration process for women living below the poverty line who belong to poor and deserving families across the country. Such women can go to their nearest Benazir Income Support Program registration center and complete their registration process. Apart from this, BISP has recently announced great news for women who have completed their registration. According to women who have completed their registration process two or three months before today and whose eligibility status on the 8171 web portal is “جانچ پڑتال” Such women will be declared eligible in the month of December.

Apart from this, some required instructions have been issued by BISP to get the money for the women who have completed the registration. In this article, you will see the necessary instructions issued by BISP to women. You will get to see the complete details of what steps such women need to follow to get the first installment after being eligible. So if you or any other woman in your family has completed their registration process, then this article will be very helpful for you. So if you want complete information, you will need to read the article completely.


Required Instructions To Obtain First Payment

As I noted above, women whose eligibility status is “جانچ پڑتال” on the 8171 web portal will be declared eligible within the month of December. Therefore, some necessary instructions have been issued by BISP for such women to get the first installment. According to the instructions issued by BISP, women whose eligibility status is “جانچ پڑتال” on the web portal. If the identity card of such women has expired, then they should renew their identity card before November 15, 2024. Otherwise, the first installment will not be issued to such women in case of not making a new ID card.


Anticipated Date for the First Payment in 2025

For those women who have completed registration and want to know when the first installment will be released to them within 2025, I am going to provide information here. Let me tell such women that the first installment will be released within January 2025. However, they need to follow the above instructions; otherwise, they may fail to get their first payment. Therefore, such women are requested to complete all the necessary steps first before the first payment is issued.


Will the first payment include the children’s Taleemi Wazaif?

Those women who have completed registration in the Benazir Kafaalat program will receive their first payment in January 2025. They are wondering if they will also receive Taleemi Weazaif for their children along with this payment. I am providing them with complete information here. Let me tell such women that no, Taleemi Wazaif of their children will not be included with the first payment. For the Taleemi Wazaif program, you need to register your children. And to complete the enrollment, you must first be eligible within the Kafalat program.

Therefore, you cannot complete the registration of your children until your eligibility status is shown as eligible on the 8171 web portal. However, if your eligibility status is showing as eligible on the web portal. Then you can go to your nearest BISP registration center and complete the registration of your children. After which, if your children are declared eligible for the Taleemi Wazaif program, you will be issued child payments.



Finally, the purpose of this article was to inform such women about the instructions issued by the Benazir Income Support Program who have recently completed their registration process. Within this article, such women have been informed with complete details who had completed their registration process recently. The article provides complete details to such women on what steps they need to follow to receive their first payment. Along with this, complete information regarding the first payment. And when it will be released has also been provided in this article. So if any women need any kind of more information regarding this. Then they can get complete information by commenting in the comment section.

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