PTA warns of ‘telecom services disruption’ & ATMs closer concern in Pakistan

Telecom Services Disruption: ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has warned that the non-renewal of licenses for Long-Distance International (LDI) operators may disrupt mobile and internet services and ATMs in the country, ARY News reported.

In Pakistan ATMs Across Closure, PTA warns of ‘telecom services disruption’

According to a PTA document, the licensing issue is likely to affect 50% of mobile traffic and 10% of internet traffic.

The document stated that several mobile towers may go out of service, and 40% of ATMs may stop working. Shifting services to other operators may affect global communications and could impact the global traffic coming to Pakistan.

The issue revolves around a dispute between telecom companies and the Ministry of IT over the payment of dues.

The ministry’s steering committee has also failed to formulate a plan for the payment of dues. And the PTA has made the renewal of licenses conditional on the payment of these dues.

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Furthermore, licenses for 3-4 LDI companies have already expired, and some others will expire in a few months. However, companies have approached the court to keep their services operational.

The document revealed that 9 telecom companies owe Rs. 24 billion to the Ministry of IT and Rs. 54 billion in late payment surcharges.

The authorities claim that the implementation of internet firewalls at the country’s main internet gateways in Pakistan is causing internet service disruptions. These firewalls are used to monitor and filter internet traffic and can also trace the origin of objectionable material.

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